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A birth plan allows the health care professionals looking after you to see how you would prefer your Labour to run . It is a plan that is not written in stone, you may be advised to deviate from the plan for the well being of yourself and / or your baby. You yourself may also change your mind as the labour progresses.

During your pregnancy you will have been thinking, reading and maybe attending birth preparation classes to prepare for your baby’s birth.

It is advisable to discuss your birthing plan with your health care professional ahead of the birth to make sure they are happy to support you with your plan . This avoids any disappointment on the delivery day.




Estimated Due Date:

Place planned for delivery:

Birth Partner

Having someone to support you during your labour can be helpful;

  • I would like my partner to be with me during labour

  • I would like my mother/sister/relative/friend to be with me in labour

  • I would like a Doula with me in labour I do not want a birth partner

Birth Partner Details

(provide information here)

Birthing Equipment/Atmosphere
  • I plan to use equipment such as beanbags, mats or a yoga ball during labour

  • I would like to personalise the atmosphere with lights, music and aromatherapy

  • I would like to like to use a birthing pool if one is available

  • I would like photos and /or a video taken at times throughout my labour and birth

Monitoring in Labour

Every baby is monitored during labour to make sure that they are not in distress, there are various ways of monitoring babies, whether this is continuously or intermittently

  • I would like to be monitored continuously in labour

  • Where possible I would like to be monitored intermittently in labour Comments on monitoring

Comments on Monitoring

(provide information here)

Positions for Labour and Birth

You may well have learnt about various birth positions at your childbirth classes. During the later stages of pregnancy you can try some of these positions out to see what is most comfortable for you. During the labour and the birth you may find that changing positions helps with your progress and with your pain control.

  • I would like to be as mobile as possible in labour

  • I would like to be in bed with my back supported by pillows

  • I would like to be standing

  • I would like to be sitting

  • I would like to use a birthing ball, bean bag…

  • I would like to be squatting I would like to lie on my side

  • I am not sure which positions I would like to try

Pain relief Options

Pain relief options come in many different forms, natural and medicated. It is advisable to be open minded about what methods you would like in labour. You can use a number of different methods at different times.

  • I would like to try breathing and relaxation

  • I would like to try massage I would like to try acupuncture

  • I would like to try gas and air

  • I would like to try homepatheic infusions

  • I would like to try pain relieving injections I would like an epidural

  • I would like to manage without pain releif

  • I would like to use hypnobirthing techniques

My preferences for pain relief

(provide information here)


An episiotomy is a cut to the perineum between the vagina and anus that may be performed when there is anxiety that your baby is short of oxygen and needs to be delivered quickly, or where it appears that a small episiotomy may prevent a larger tear.

  • I understand why an episiotomy may have to be informed

  • I only want an episiotomy if there is concern for my baby

My thoughts on an episiotomy

(provide information here)

Delivery of the Placenta

The placenta will need to be delivered after the baby is born. This is known as the third stage of labour. You have the option in most cases of having a natural third stage (physiological third stage), or a medicated third stage. If you have been augmented in labour, have a low haemoglobin level, have previous history of a post partum hemorrhage then a natural third stage may not be advised/allowed.

  • I would like a natural third stage

  • I would like a medicated third stage

  • I would like my birth partner to cut the cord

  • I do not want my birth partner to cut the cord

My preferences about the delivery of my placenta

(provide information here)

Forceps or Vacuum Delivery
  • I would like my partner to be with me if I have an instrumental delivery

  • I do not want my partner to be with me if I have an instrumental delivery

Post Delivery
  • I would like my baby delivered straight onto my chest

  • I would like my baby and I to have skin to skin contact for the first hour

  • I would like my baby to be cleaned before being given to me

  • If I am unwell post delivery I would like my birth partner to do the skin on skin contact with my baby

Emergency or Elective Caesarian Section

A caesarian section is performed when the baby is delivered by cutting through the abdomen and into the uterus. In most circumstances you will be given the option of having an epidrual and therefore your birth partner will be allowed to accompany you. If you need a General anaesthetic your birth partner will not be allowed into the operating room

  • I would like my Birth partner in the operating room with me

  • I would prefer an epidural so that I am awake when my baby is born

  • I would like skin to skin contact with my baby as soon as possible after the delivery, where possible whilst I am still in operating room

  • If I am unwell after delivery I would like my baby to do skin to skin contact with my birth partner

Feeding your Baby
  • I wish to breast feed

  • I wish to breastfeed as soon as possible after delivery

  • I wish to bottle feed my baby

  • I would like to try a mixture of breastfeeidng and bottle feeding

  • I do not want my baby to have a pacifier/ I am happy for my baby to have a pacifier

Hebammes, Nurses and Doctors in Training
  • I am happy for students to observe during labour and delivery

  • I am not happy to have students with me during labour or delivery

Special Requirements
  • German is not my first language. I would prefer to have a Hebamme with me who can speak some English if possible

  • I have special dietary requirements

  • I would like certain religious customs to take place

Some ladies especially second time mothers may wish an early discharge . This should be discussed with the hospital personnel but also your Kinderarzt and Hebamme who will need to agree to support you with an early discharge

More Information

(provide information here)

Thank you for supporting me in my labour and birth


Pippagina English Prenatal and Postnatal classes in Munich


Lynn Darbyshire 


Lerchenfeldstrasse 16



Pippagina English Prenatal and Postnatal classes in Munich

Please use the direct email below for any questions or queries you may have or use my direct email address shown below.  It is not practical for me to take calls but if you email, I will get back in touch with you as soon as possible!

Thank you for your enquiry, we will be in touch soon!

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